Paradise Kinetic Text

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Here is another Motion Graphics assignment. I had a lot of fun doing this one. This is my favorite scene from one of my favorite movies, Closer. I love this scene because it is the perfect portrayal of one of the aspects of male and female relations. I'm no feminist, {I would never burn my bras because Victoria doesn't make cheap secrets} but I think women have more power than both sexes realize. The kind of power that should be called Pussy Power.  Every man won't be taken asunder by every pussy, but every man has at least one woman that could virtually take hold of his balls and make him say "uncle" {and he would love it}. Be it his mother, his girlfriend, his wife, his infatuation, a stripper, etc, etc. Gay men are not excluded. Even homosexual men admire/have admired at least one woman in the course of a lifetime. {Hello? Gaga is a prime example} A strip club is the perfect instance of pussy power at work. Picture this: At the start of the evening, a man walks into an establishment with wads of cash in his pocket. He is dressed in his finest clothes and wearing his most sensual cologne. The dancers sniff him out like a pack of wild Amazon huntresses and make a beeline for him and his fat pockets. From his POV, women are crawling all over him because he is not only a man but "THE Man". In actuality, these women only need to say, do and shake whatever he wants, and then boom, it's theirs. All of his hard earned cash flows directly from his pocket and falls in between the cracks of a gyrating vixen. Transaction complete, thanks to a tiny g-string and exposed mammary glands{mummy, is that you?}.  But when a man doesn't get what he wants, what happens? Temper tantrums, violence, wars, so on. Does this mean that if women put out more, there would be less wars because all the men would be sated? Perhaps, but we will never know because women are stingy and the world is full of cock blockers. Really. 

And here is the Paradise Suite kinetic text. {Enjoy.}


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